Claire Robert “Big Brother Bob” Emery
He was a pioneer in creating radio programming for children, and from 1924 through the 1930’s he hosted the Big Brother Club on WEEI, Boston.
He was a pioneer in creating radio programming for children, and from 1924 through the 1930’s he hosted the Big Brother Club on WEEI, Boston.
One of the Bay State’s first professional radio announcers, Bob Emery began his career at WGI, Medford in 1921. A pioneer in creating radio programming for children, from 1924 through the 1930s he hosted the Big Brother Club on WEEI, Boston. In 1947, he took that show national on the old DuMont television network, long before Romper Room and Mister Rogers came on the scene. Returning to Boston in 1952, Bob settled into a 16-year run entertaining thousands of youngsters at home and in the studio as host of the Small Fry Club on WBZ-TV. Many of us here today who, if asked, can still recall the words to his closing song each weekday afternoon: “So Long Small Fry….”